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HOA Sponsored Committees


Landscape Committee  

Chairperson: Liz Breslauer

The Landscape Committee is made up of residents that work with our landscape vendor to enhance and maximize our current landscape within the community.  They keep costs down by replanting  and maintaining pots and common area grounds along Flora Park and the motor courts.


Maintenance Committee

Chairperson: Deanne Grasmeyer​


The Maintenance Committee is a small group of residents that maintain a working list of items for the common areas of the community that need repair.  They work with the vendors and property manager to resolve the open items. To add an item to the list, contact the property manager.


Social Committee


Diane Ortega & Lanny Carpenter

This is a group of volunteer residents dedicated to having FUN as a community. They plan and coordinate activities that all residents are invited to attend. Watch the newsletter for upcoming events.





Pickleball Club

Chairpersons: Gary Wong & Sue Duits

Garden Committee Holiday Dinner                                 2024

Looking at Blueprints

Under Construction

This is a placeholder for future committees

Garden Committee

Chairperson: Terri Allen

From the Garden Committee:

Thank you for attending our Spring Fling Harvest! It was a gorgeous afternoon with a bountiful harvest to share of lettuces, Swiss chard, celery, cabbage and a few happy little beets! Thank you to our garden tender committee and guests for all the yummy food! Find the recipe for Ann Wilson's delicious Corn Salad under the new RECIPE menu.


The residents that plant and maintain the garden at the end of Vina Court, advise residents what and when to harvest the crops.  Check out the garden to see what's growing.  (Sorry, pets are not allowed.)

Call Prime Services

T: 800.706.7838     

F: 800.706.7858  

T: After-hours emergency 800-706-7838 

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